Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sorry for the delay in posting scores but I was enjoying myself down in Inverloch too much to sit at a laptop!!!

Colleen - 6 - Liked the short stories for a change
Cindy - 7 -  Thoroughly enjoyed the concept of short stories. Very good.
Tahnee - 4 - Possibly an unfair four. Will revisit
Hannah - 7 - It sucked me in
Kaye - 6 - would have liked the last story to be more developed.
Anne Marie - 7 - Really strong characters, particularly given short stories. Very Character driven.
Irene - 9 - Epic yet intimate.

See you all in May.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Two months to read The Street Sweeper

Hi all!

Cindy asked me to post to confirm we are not having an April book club meeting, it will be pushed to May.  This is because there will be a number of absentees in April. 

This means two months to read the book! No excuses people, especially those of us having a holiday.

See you all soon.
