Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 2012 Meeting 'The Life of Pi' and pelvic floor exercises...

Well I loved it, Kerry seemed to enjoy it and everyone else's reaction was a tad luke warm...
Most struggled to believe the narrative.

Apologies: Colleen, Meg, Leslie, Kerry, Ann-Marie

Irene:     5/10: Not for the practically minded.

Hannah: 6/10: At times found it a bit slow.

Kaye:     5/10: A fanciful tale.

Debbie:  6/10: The more enjoyable the faster I read it.

Kerry:    7/10: Via text...a wonderful story masterfully spun, made me wonder how I could believe such an adventure, Pi was such an interestinf and adventurous character that questioned everything and adopted the things that resonated with him.

Ann-Marie: 4/10: Via text... a difficult read, not engaging at all.

Tahnee:   8/10: Unbelievably believable. 

Trilby: Didn't read.

Next months book is 'We need to talk about Kevin' - Lionel Shriver @ Trilby's house

Followed by              'The Little Stranger' - Sarah Waters @ Hannah's house

Followed by              'The Secret Scripture' - Sebastian Barry @ Debbies house

Followed by Meg and Irenes choices........

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June Meeting - Questions regarding The Life of Pi

Hello my Renegade Readers. Please see below some questions for discussion on Tuesday night. Look forward to seing you all then.

1.       An important component of books is the ability of the author to induce 'suspension of disbelief' in the reader. Yann Martel wondered how far in could push the reader....

Did you find the story believable, when did it become all too much for you? The floating islands, the meeting of the other blind man, or at the very beginning "I turned around, stepped over the zebra and threw myself overboard"!
2.       Do you think you could've eaten raw fish and drank fresh turtle blood? Why did Pi save Richard Parker in the first place, then feed and assist him instead of enticing him over board or letting him starve?

3.       Pi opines that Zoo's (good ones) are more like guarded neighbourhoods then jails and don't deserve the bad press they receive. Agree/Disagree.

      4.       Which version of Pi's experience do you believe?

5.       Just to see if everyone picks the same colour as me... If Hinduism is associated with orange and Islam with green, what color would you make Christianity, based on the novel?
6.       What do you think of Pi's assertion that we are all "in limbo, without religion, until some figure introduces us to our God"?

7.       How is the novel related to religion or religious belief, in one brief sentence.