Monday, September 30, 2013

Midnight in the garden of Good and Evil....John Berendt...

Good Morning Ladies..a few questions for consideration ...Given that book is based on a true story....

Did you get a "feeling" for Savannah as described by Berendt..did you find his descriptive prose enough to feel you where there.

Which character did you relate to and why

Did you like the bemused, gossipy way the characters stories were told

Was Jim William the real protagonist in this story

Do you think the isolation of Savannah and places like, breed eccentric personalities ...

how do you feel about  the Ladies Ritual Card nights, and their needs to conform to a social standard...opposed to Lady Chablis who completley throw social norms out the window.....

how did you feel about Danny Hansford..was he a misused and misunderstood young man or do you feel he was doing exactly what he wanted to.

Did you feel a little spooked at the role the conjoure played ......have you ever been tempted by the

where you disturbed by the lack of moral fibre  in the story...

lots more i could ask but thats enough for now.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday night

Kerry    224 Schoolhouse road  Woori Yallock    0407 047 298

Friday, September 6, 2013

General consensus was that this book was better suited to a younger audience and that Tony was trying too hard to be funny, where the scenario of hitch hiking round Ireland with a fridge inherently suggested a humorous situation.
Kaye suggested that an oral presentation would have been better and that the humour got lost in the translation to the written word.

A light read that didn't warrant much in-depth analysis.
And to the scores....

Kerry 6/10 Made me chuckle and loved the line "life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved"
Hannah 7/10 Enjoyable read. Will not be hitch hiking, but will visit Ireland.
Cindy - Looking forward to reading.
Ann Marie - Ill - hope you are feeling better.
Trilby - Ill - hope you are feeling better too.
Colleen - 5/10  Mild Book. Not Funny. Problem with Qu.5
Debbie - Unable to come - hope the house move is progressing smoothly.
Tahnee - 3/10 Great Christmas stocking filler for your back packing 17 year old
Irene - 6/10 Repetitive humour. Funnier for the under 30's.

October's Book is 'Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil' by John Berendt courtesy of Kerry's hospitality.

And Cynthia for November has chosen 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak. Though we need confirmation from anyone who can remember, whether this has already been read and discussed?

And if anyone would like a postcard from Ireland send me your address!!

Thanks for another great night.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Good Evening Fellow Book Clubbers,

Hope you all had a chance to read 'Round Ireland with a Fridge'. Here are a few questions to consider prior to congregating at my humble abode.

1. Did you laugh??

2. How was Tony's nationality relevant to the success of his venture?

3. There are a lot of Irish stereotypes in this book. Is stereotyping acceptable in the global culture that we live in and if so where is the line between what is and isn't acceptable?

4. How do you perceive Tony's outlook on life changed from the start to the end of the book?

5. Which aspects of life do you see the fridge as a metaphor for? And for whom?

6. Has anyone or do you know of anyone who had a similarly silly bet/adventure?

Looking forward to Tuesday at 9 Reefton Drive. Call me on 0437 358 890 if needed.
