Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 13 book club; The last King of Scotland

The general consensus on reading The last king of Scotland was that it was rather drab or blarrr... We felt there was no likable characters to connect to as many found the main character of Dr. Garrigan to be quiet insipid and spineless. Most of  us have seen the movie and agreed that the movie was far more entertaining than the book which probably influenced how disappointed we were in reading the book. The book prompted discussion around politics, medicine and the disappointment we have experienced in reading some so called award wining books as i chose this book based on it winning an award for the authors first novel. This led to discussion around some award winning films also failing to impress.

  • Hannah - 6/10 Found it difficult to relate to the main character thus story was lost on me.
  • Anne - Marie - 2/10 Not finished totally blarr with and emphasis on the blarrrrrr.
  • Kaye - 5/10 Found main character uninteresting and blarrrr
  • Irene - 2/10 What a wimp
  • Deb - 3/10 I did not read the last 20 pages in protest award winning definately not
    Trilby- i dont know something about twins keeping her busy, We all can't wait to meet them
     Kerry- forgot book club was on
     Tahnee - overseas
     Colleen - MIA

Other Business;
    This months book, "A clockwork orange" by Anthony Burgess, June meeting at Tahnee's place

    July Book club book Handmaids tale by Margaret Atwood @  Trilby's place PLEASE Remember to bring a plate.

   Anne Marie has put her hand up for Augusts book club so we will need someone for September.

We also threw up the idea again of perhaps choosing themed books such as books that were made into movies or Biography's ect Hannah suggested perhaps putting some themes into a hat and us drawing a theme. To discuss further at next book club as the last two months we have been running with a dwindled group.
See you all next month

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Questions for The Last King of Scotland by Giles Foden

 Here are the questions for the current book "the last king of scotland" to ponder or not before Tuesdays gathering.
   1. Why do you think the author named the book "the last King of Scotland"?

   2. What is your reaction to the British Embassy's request for Dr.Garrigan to reason with Amin and in failing that "give him something that will make him reasonable. Calm him down" Then later asking Dr. Garrigan to kill Amin.

   3. In the book there was at times reference made of Amin being akin to Hitler what are your thoughts regarding this comparsion?

4. The question is raised on more than one occasion by both Dr. Garrigan and others of why did Garrigan stay on in Uganda and with Amin even after he became aware of  Amins crimes against humanity. Why do you think he stayed ?

5. By staying in Uganda did this make Dr. Garrigan complicit to what was going on around him?

6. For those who have seen the movie how does it compare with the book?

Hope to see you at my place on Tuesday night
17 Ashley court Seville
phone 0417977175 or 59644480
       Cheers Deb