Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hello Fellow Literary Lovers,
Hope everyone is keeping warm in these wintry conditions.
A few questions to ponder prior to book club on Tuesday.

1. Did the book live up to your expectation?

2. Are we intended to believe Billy's tales of Tralfamadore or do you assume, like Barbara that it is a figment of Billy's brain damaged imagination?

3. How is Slaughterhouse V also a book about America in the 1960's?

4. Why does Billy become 'unstuck' in time?

5. What purpose does Billy's abduction by the Tralfamaforians plot line serve?

6. What irony does Billy's profession bring to the story?

7. How did the saying 'So It Goes' enhance or distract from the significance of death?

8. How do you feel about the idea of a Child's Army - Is this idea still prevalent today?

See you on Tuesday.


Friday, June 13, 2014

The Accidental Vikas Swarup

June Book Review...The Accidental Apprentice by Vikas Swarup

It was agreed that the book was a reasonable read. With two many unbelievable and unrealistic plots...A book written soley for the movie market...

Tahnee ....       3/10......A Collection of........... (sorry couldn't read my writing.)....stories poorly linked

with unbelievable characters and forced dialogue....

Trilby.......      5/10......A page turner (stolen from Hannah), that failed to meet its goals.

Anne-Marie ..6/10.......really enjoyable read...Bollywood meets Phyrne Fisher.

Kaye..............7/10........Outrageously contrived plot, but really enjoyed it.

Hannah...........7/10........Page Turner.....disappointed in the ending.

Avis................3/10........Obvious full of Troupes.

Irene................4/10........Immersed in disbelieve, and any potential was overshadowed by the    
                                       duplicity of the plot structure.

Deb.................7/10.........loved the pithy comment.....  

Next Month is at Irene' is .....  Slaughter House 5 by Kurt Vonnegut.

August is at Deb's......A Tale for the time  Ruth Oseki...

Deb's new address is.....11 Bamfield Rd.. Mt. Evelyn.

Instuctions as follows.....It is next entry after the big white gates. You enter round the back of house. From the back it is the house on the left because our neighbours are on the property with us.....

apologies from me for July and August.......

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sorry for the late addition of everyone's reviews for last months book, The Orchardist. Seems that while not a favourite everyone found something to enjoy. Kerry - 7/10 - Very melancholic saga Hannah - 7/10 - Bittersweet descriptive Avis - 5/10 - Descriptive language, beautiful story Irene - 5/10 - The plot potential is dwarfed by the superfluous use of language Colleen - 6.5/10 - Authors writing style put me in the story Kaye - 6/10 - no pithy comment Trilby - 7/10 - Instantly immersed. Provocative writing Tahnee - Dreamlike narrative (sorry didn't write the score down) Anne-Maree - 5/10 - Slightly disturbing narrative style contrasted breathtaking landscapes