Monday, February 29, 2016

Good Evening Ladies,

Cakes are cooked and time for some self composed questions....

1. In an interview Colum McCann gives provenance of his stories
     "In the end though, everything we write is autobiographical perhaps more especially
       when we attempt to avoid the autobiographical"
 What do you think he means by this and do you agree?

2. Colum McCann blends his own narrative with fiction. Are there any advantages to this style or would you prefer one or the other?

3. Did you identify any continuance between each of the short stories, or did they all stand individually?

4. From the novella, discuss any irony that although his movements are tracked still no one knows for sure what happened on the pavement?

5. ' What Time is It Now, Where Are You' - For anyone who has aspirations of writing a novel would this be a true representative of the story writing process. If not is it convincing?

6. Was the nuns interaction with her abuser satisfactory and likely to have happened if translated into reality?

See you tomorrow.