Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dubliners by James Joyce,

Hannah: 7 Took a while to get into it. Grew to enjoy it.

Tahnee: 7 Real & Vivid. Enjoyed. Great.

Anne-Marie: 6 Score might have been more if I'd finished it. Thought provoking vignettes.

Coleen: 9 Love James joyce. Every story a little package. Concept needs to be explained to those of lesser intelligence.....Hannah excused.

Trilby: Didn't read but now wants to.

Kerry: 8 Must ready again.

Kaye: 3 Good illustration of life at the time. It was well written but not enjoyable.

Irene: 9 A descritpive feast.

Thanks everyone for a great night and for coming all the way to McMahons Creek.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Despite receiving some very good industry reviews this book failed to engage all of us (except for Meg).

Meg - 8/10   Engaging with an interesting twist.

Hannah - 5/10  Had to find out what happened in the end.

Colleen - 4/10  Didn't like the foul language.  Bad Read.

Irene - 4/10  Initially captivating.  Gradually disengaged.

Tahnee - 4/10  Smutty thriller.  Squandered potential.  Unlikeable characters.

Kaye - 6/10  Convoluted plot.

Anne-Maree - 5/10  Really disappointing. Promising start degenerated into hard to believe "soap opera".

Book for December is Abandoned Women by Lucy Frost at Colleen's house.