Monday, October 2, 2017

Hi all,

Book club is at my place tomorrow night. Questions below. If you could let me know if you are coming that would be great. FYI if you haven't read the book (or is it just me who leaves it late) it is short and a super quick read - you can still fit in a sneaky effort between now and then ;)


Title - Leave Me
Author - Gayle Foreman

1. How realistic is Marbeth's life in the beginning (prior to having the heart attack) ? Would this story resonate with men?
2. Do Maribeth's actions resonate with you? Have you ever harboured similar secret desires to escape?
3. How did you feel about Marbeth's decision to leave her twins? Her husband? Her mother? Her job?
4. Marbeth can't remember the letter she wrote when she left - how does this speak to her state of mind at the time of writing? What role does the letter have in how the story unfolds.
5. What role does money and financial stability play in this story.
6. What role did the supporting characters play in bringing Marbeth back to wholeness? Sunita, Todd, Stephen and Janice.
7. What responsibility does Jas have for Marbeth's actions? In the end was this a relationship of love or secrets? Can it be rebuilt?
8. Are you satisfied with the ending? Would you have preferred a different ending and if so what would it be?


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