- Hannah - 6/10 Found it difficult to relate to the main character thus story was lost on me.
- Anne - Marie - 2/10 Not finished totally blarr with and emphasis on the blarrrrrr.
- Kaye - 5/10 Found main character uninteresting and blarrrr
- Irene - 2/10 What a wimp
- Deb - 3/10 I did not read the last 20 pages in protest award winning definately not
Trilby- i dont know something about twins keeping her busy, We all can't wait to meet them
Kerry- forgot book club was on
Tahnee - overseas
Colleen - MIA
Other Business;
This months book, "A clockwork orange" by Anthony Burgess, June meeting at Tahnee's place
July Book club book Handmaids tale by Margaret Atwood @ Trilby's place PLEASE Remember to bring a plate.
Anne Marie has put her hand up for Augusts book club so we will need someone for September.
We also threw up the idea again of perhaps choosing themed books such as books that were made into movies or Biography's ect Hannah suggested perhaps putting some themes into a hat and us drawing a theme. To discuss further at next book club as the last two months we have been running with a dwindled group.
See you all next month