Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Australian Women Writers 2012 challenge


Don't want to force anyone into picking certain books but I was wondering if people would be interested in doing this for book club?

Let me know


Monday, December 12, 2011

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Burrows

This book was generally liked. At first some of us had our reservations. On the back of some copies the author of "Eat, Pray, Love" stated she enjoy this book, which would discourage some readers. Some of us found an epistolary novel (thanks Tahnee) meaning a novel created out of letters, a bit of a challenge at first. For some however found this method of creating a story, enjoyable and an easy was to explore the different characters.

The subject of letters themselves was an interesting topic, as the use of letter writing has changed due to technology. Though it was discussed that writing an email can sometimes be similar to the writing that you post.

The characters Juliet and Elizabeth, were liked because of their independence and heroic behaviour during a time when men were considered "the boss". The risks they both took were different, Elizabeth's actions lead her to her death. Juliet's ultimately lead her to Dawsey

As for the rest of the Guernsey society, it was found they were sometimes too eccentric and quirky. Some of us thought Dawsey was about fifty until Juliet described him. Despite the historical quality of the book, some of us didn't know where the story was leading.

Debbie: 7 Enjoyable read. Inspired to get letters out to read.

Lesley: 5 Interesting but couldn't get into it. Can't fall into a book of letters.

Tahnee: 6 Enjoyed it, love new word "epistolary".

Trilby: 5 Enjoyable, pleasant, interesting.

Kaye: 6 A lovely read. At the start found the letters annoying.

Colleen: 5 Liked format, half way through the book couldn't understand characters, a bit fluffy.

Kerry: 4 Enchanting tale, a bit boring, a bit disjointed.

Hannah: 6 Letters annoying at first, an easy read.

Book club a Kerry's in February; "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" by Jaimie Ford.

At Colleen's in March; "Caleb's Crossing", by Geraldine Brooks.

Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. Congratulations Irene! (you still could have come to book club though he he just kidding)


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hi there, sorry I didn't post this earlier. See you this evening.

What was your experience reading a novel composed of entirely out of letters? Are there types of information letters convey more successfully than other forms of expression? Would a novel in emails have different strengths and weaknesses?

Dawsey first writes to Juliet because books are so difficult to obtain on Guernsey in the aftermath of the war. What differences do you note between the bookselling in the 1940s and bookselling today? Do book lovers share common qualities across generations?

In what ways are Juliet and Elizabeth kindred spirits?

Numerous Guernsey residents give Juliet access to their private memories. Which voices were memorable for you? What is the effect of reading a variety of responses to a shared tragedy?

How would you characterise Juliet? Did you like her?

If you had lived in Guernsey before the occupation, do you think you would have sent your children to England without you?

What do you think of Elizabeth's relationship with Christian? Was it wrong of her to love a Nazi?

Do you think books have the power to lift people out of the circumstances? What role did books play in the lives of the Guernsey Literary Society?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Book Club For 2012

It was agreed that we should know who is deciding what book in what month so here goes.

February: Kerry
March: Coleen
April: Lesley
May: Kay
June: Tahnee
July: Trilby
August: Hannah
September: Debbie
Oct: Meg
November: Irene
Hello Again,
Firstly thanks for a great evening. Loving book club.

The general feeling towards Tamil Tigress was one of disappointment and doubtful as to the sincere description of Niromi's experiences. The word "dubous" was used on more than one occasion!!! The writing in the first person was very uninteresting and made what should have been confronting and shocking content less impactful.

And to the scores:

Debbie: 4 Really struggled to read. Couldn't connect with main character. Name use confusing
and difficult to be sure who was who.

Kerry: 5 Difficult to read,from her point of view.....'insert senior moment'.....written in first person was not engaging enough. Story was 'dubious'.

Hannah: 6 Exhausting read -makes you appreciate the freedoms here in Australia.

Trilby: 3 Not connected to cause or story.Can understand motives. Wouldn't be surprised if story is 'dubous'.

Coleen: 4 Blandly written. Whole story was self promoting.. 'Dubious' read.

Kay: 5 'Dubious' Lack of anticipation.

Lesley: Didn't Read

Tahnee: 4 Distant from story, surprisingly boring given the content.

Irene: 4 Disappointed in lack of education about Sri Lanka's polictical situation.

Next months' book is The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer, hosted by Hannah who can be found at 36 Railway Road Seville. See you there.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hello All,

Hope you all had a win on Cup Day.....or at least a nice day off work.

As this is a relatively new book there weren't any book club questions on my google searches so I resorted to coming up with a few questions myself so please be gentle with me.

In an interview Niromi states that violence is no tool or means to achieve resolution. Do you believe this to be true? Is there any scenario/situation in life where violence is the only means to defend a belief or something held dear?

How much do you think she was protected by the other Tamil Tigers? Was this because of her middle class upbringing?

Is her story really one of being a fighter or a protected teenager championing a naive belief? Friends spoke of support for the cause but within her social circle it never translated into action. Why might this be?

Was Niromi brave in not hiding behind the social expectation of the caste system or fear of disappointing her family and the social impact that may have?

Can you understand why Benjamin’s murder by the Tamils was not enough to make her walk away but actually paved the way for innumerable excuses and sacrifices for the Tamil Tigers.

Was Niromi’s honorable intent in joining the Tamils justified or driven by fear?
Can the two be separated in the face of injustice/persecution?

I also came across this article which I thought was rather interesting……

Hope to see you all tomorrow in sunny Reefton.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Meg is no longer a techno loser

I am sure that you will all be thrilled to know that as at 1.34pm on Thursday 6th Oct 2011 I can access and post to the blog again. I suspect that this shall last all of a week before I have issues again!!!!!

But while I am on here a little bit of info for the group. If you are interested in buying the book the book for the Dec book club go to:

$9.88 including shipping!

Happy reading

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

December book club

Hi it's Hannah. I have chosen "The Guernsey Literary Potatoe Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer. Hopefully it will be good. Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook will know I had help with this one. You may be disappointed I did not choose Karma Sutra although this has been recomended also.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Push, Sapphire

'Push' seemed to be enjoyed by the majority of Book Club, with most people feeling it was a worthwhile story and opened their eyes to a different part of society.

We had much discussion over social security payments and how to ensure that those payments are used wisely, and how to ensure the cycle of poverty is broken.  We also talked about child safety, paedophiles, paternity leave, male and female influence in the home/daily lives of children and how Hannah and I can set up a prostitution business if needs be (you kinda had to be there!)

I held forth a bit about the American economic situation and how it doesn't really allow for people to better themselves and how trying to survive is really quite difficult in the current environment. 
The website I referred to was this one:
Read a few pages they are disturbing.

News reports on occupy wall street -

Nick (Debbie's partner) has a complaint - he says that Book Club is taking up to much of Debbie's valuable time and that she is reading in bed when she should be doing other things!

And the marks are:

Irene - 5/10 – A brutal depiction of an unseen level of society.

Kay – 4/10 Confronting

Tahnee – 7/10 Important – needs to be read

Liz – 8/10 – Story needs to be told; obligated to educate myself to know that these lives exist.

Colleen - 5/10 – The importance of education (haven’t finished yet)

Hannah – 7/10 A good insight into that part of society

Debbie - 5/10 Too superficial; not enough depth - couldn’t connect to the character

Next book is Irene's choice: Tamil Tigeress by Niromi De Soyza
Irene's address is:
9 Reefton Drive, McMahons Creek
If you pass the Reefton Pub, you've gone about 100m to far!
In case you get lost, her number is 5966 8480.

See you all next month, where Tahnee and I will bore the pants off you with our travel stories about China!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Push Reading questions

In what way are Precious and her family members invisible to the larger world?

Precious's file reflects the government "workfare" point of view, that Precious should already be earning her own living, possibly as a home attendant. Precious objects violently to this idea. Can you understand the social worker's point of view? Have Precious's and Jermaine's arguments [pp. 121–123] changed any opinions you previously held on this subject?

 A famous—or perhaps infamous—Labor Department study, the Moynihan Report, blamed the absence of fathers and the dominance of women (rather than economic and racial inequality) for the problems confronting the African American family. Many black scholars and activists have argued against the report's conclusions. Which side of the argument do you believe Push to support?

Push has been called a Dickensian novel, to which Sapphire has responded, "Part of what's so wrong in this story is that we’re not in a Dickensian era. Those things shouldn’t be happening in a post-industrial society” (Bomb, Fall 1996). She sees the novel as “an indictment of American culture, which is both black and white” (ibid). What aspects of our culture have enabled the inequities described in the novel to develop? Would you say that contemporary American cities consist, as Dickens’s London was said to, of two entirely different cultures, the rich one and the poor?

Given the current american economic client (much worse that the economic climate in the book), do you think it's fiscally resonable and/or ethical to provide finacial support to people such as Precious to achieve high level education?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Black Dahlia

Posting on behalf of Meg because she is a techno loser and can't figure out how to sign in AGAIN!

Ok I have to start (again!) by apologising for being uber slack about the blog!!! Sorry its just really NOT my thing and not helped by the fact that I can't access it again! Anyway I have done it at last!!

The book this month was "The Black Dahlia" by James Ellroy and the overall view of the group was that they didn't enjoy the book. In particular, a number of us felt that the characters were misleading and that there was too much about Bucky and not enough about the murder. While some thought the book had a strong voice in that you could easily picture the setting there was also a strong sense that it didn't read true. Many of us found it hard to get into and then often hard to follow.

Irene - 5/10 - Tried too hard to be complex

Liz - didn't read it

Debbie - 3/5/10 - misleading, hard to feel empathetic

Tahnee - 2/10 - misogynistic, superfluosly descriptive

Harriet (who shall now be known as Hannah) - difficult read

Kaye - 5/10 - more twists and turns than a contornist

Kerry - 5/10 crap writing, twist intrigued enough to finish

Meg 5/10 haven;t finished it yet - strong voice but disjointed and disconnected.

We then proceeded to have a great conversation about children which completely freaked Irene out and a very heated debate about whether the Black Dahlia asked for her death by her behaviour. While Toot did an exemplary job in arguing this, it really needed Trilby's passion!

The next book club meeting is tomorrow night and is at Trilby's place. The book is Push by Sapphire

The following book club meeting will be the 2nd Tuesday in November due to Cup Day and is at Irene's. The book is Tamil Tigress by Niromi De Souza
Colleen - 2/10 - badly written all US slang cheap crap cops and robbers story, hated the book

Trilby - 6/10 liked the noir feel but was longwinded. The afterword freaked me out.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

chocolat Joanne Harris

Our monthly meeting for August discussed Chocolat by Joanne Harris.
The general feeling towards the book was one of a reasonable read, but, not fantastic or gripping. We felt that Reynaud was definitely the villain of the piece and none of us could sympathize with the motivations and feelings behind his actions. Reynaud and Vianne were clearly natural enemies, Reynaud believing that Vianne embodied the temptations that would lead his flock to stray and to Vianne, Reynaud represented the figures of authority that her mother had run from all her life. It was therefore impossible for them to have any form of relationship.
The author used the first person narrative voice for both of her principal characters, it was felt that this lead to confusion as often the reader had to work out who was actually talking. However, this did allow the reader to gain a clearer view of the motivations of the characters.
After moving and settling down frequently in the past Vianne's character badly wanted to stay in the village. It was thought that this was primarily to provide her daughter with the childhood that she had not had herself.
We all felt that the book ended with a fizzle rather than a bang and most of us believed that Vianne would continue to move around and not settle in one place for long.


Trilby -5 Enjoyable holidy read, empty and inconsistent

Tahnee - 5 Comfy, easy to read

Irene - 7 Realistic sketching of country french life

Kerry - 6 Pleasant read

Colleen- 5 Disjointed and era not known

Hannah - 6 Enjoyable at start but ending disappointing

Kaye - 6 Disconnected, required concentration to read

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Weird Books

Stuck for ideas...

Weird Book Room

Welcome to AbeBooks' Weird Book Room - heralded by the New York Times, Canada's Globe and Mail, The Times of London, and The Guardian (UK) as the finest source of everything that's bizarre, odd and downright weird in books. We now have an excellent selection of crazy and strange titles listed for sale by our booksellers, about every oddball aspect of life you could possibly imagine (and a few things you couldn't possibly imagine). We invite you to not only revel in our collection of literary oddities but to also send us your suggestions.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chocolat questions

Hi all,

here are a few questions to consider for book club on Tuesday night at my house.

1. To what extent is Reynaud the villain of the piece? Is it possible to understand or sympathize with the motivations and feelings behind his actions?

2. Reynaud and Vianne seem to be natural enemies from the start and yet they both have significant elements in common: a haunted past, a desire for acceptance. How do you think this affects their relationship?

3. The author uses the first person narrative voice for both of her principal characters. Why do you feel she does this and how effective is each in showing the character's attitudes and motivations?

4.The themes of moving on and settling down recur frequently in the book. Why do you think Vianne wants so badly to remain in the village? Do you think she eventually decides to stay?

See you then


Saturday, July 9, 2011

October Book

The book for October is Push by Sapphire.  This is the book on which the movie Precious is based.  See you all in a few weeks.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The book for the September meeting is The Black Dahlia by James Ellroy. See you next month

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

August Meeting

Next book for August is Chocolat by Joanne Harris at Kays place. Monbulk Silvan Road Seville.

September book Meg's house, wait for it!

The Lord of the Flies

Leslie--------smashed leg
Kerry--------swanning around Europe
Elizabeth-----too cold
Debbie-------new baby

Hannah------8 ( New member? No one has met her, she could be fictitious, or maybe she is a member by corrospondence)
Disturbing. Boys are bastards! Percival made me cry.

Page turner, scary representation, do not believe it is realistic.

Morally challenging. Asks more questions than it answers.

Just enough but never too much. Better horror than Steven King. Loved it.

Sucks to your asthma. Unnecessary descriptive. First half went no where then felt like Golding wants to wrap up the book.

A story of the possible out of the impossible. Loved it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Some questions to ponder:

Golding describes his book as an attempt to trace the

"defects of society back to the defects of human nature" what do you think?

Were they just children playing games or was this real life?

I feel the 'the English public school mentally' of the time had a large impact in the discription of the main players in the story.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Here we go.....sorry it's so late!!!

Thanks girl's I had a great night out with lots of laughs. Scores are as follows:

Colleen - 7
Well written book....will look at reading other books written by the author.

Tahnee- 6.5
Rollicking read...a book about a book...does it get much better?

Trilby- 6.5
Interesting to learn about the story behind the real Alice In Wonder Land. Sense of foreboding did not end the way I wanted.

Inspired me to have a go at writing my own book one day.....loved the creative story which was based on some facts about the real Alice.

Kaye- 5
Sense of foreboding was disappointed with the story.

Kerry- 7
Interesting characters...intrigued by the references to the real story behind Alice but did find at times the story long and drawn out

Irene- 6
Beautiful use of the English language...really enjoyed the classic style.


The next book for discussion at July's meeting is Colleen's pick,

" LORD OF THE FLIES" by William Golding.

Kaye has selected the book for August which is,

"CHOCOLAT" by Joanne Harris.

Evening Events

Thanks to Irene for the beautiful cake. Love especially from Trilby who frowns on people that just bring a box of chocolates which just happened to be what Irene had brought the week before.llolololol

Still no baby on Tuesday the 7th what surprise.....but happy to report that GEORGIA made a safe arrival on Saturday the 18th of June at 6.25pm after a long labour which resulted in a c section. All are very happy and well.

We also discussed how we view ourselves as we read a book which was really interesting to note:

Colleen- thinks about how the author is constructing the story as she reads.

Tahnee- thinks of herself as a fly on the wall.

Trilby- thinks of herself as an observer to the story.

Irene- thinks like Tahnee, like being a fly on the wall.

Kaye- creates pictures about the story similar to a movie.

Elizabeth- while reading a book I think about it as a movie and I'm the director.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How to link 'Books we've done' to the relevant blog post

Hope this little tutorial helps you out. It's a little fiddly but not too complex.

  • Go into the blog post you want to link.  That means finding the blog post you want and clicking on the header so you are only able to see that specific post and not the whole blog.
  • Copy the web address from the address bar on the page e.g.
  • Log into the blog and go into Dashboard.
  • Click on Design
  • On the RHS, there is Add a Gadget, then boxes underneath.  The second box down is Books we've done.  Click on edit in that box
  • A 'configure list' window should open. 
  • Enter in the name and author of the book in Add List item box
  • Click on the link symbol next to the box (between the box and the Add item button)
  • A script prompt box should appear.  In that box, paste the web address you copied earlier.
  • Click OK
  • The add item text book will look all funny now with or simlair.  This is normal!
  • Hit add item!
  • The book and author should now appear in the list below the add item text box.  The book and author should be in blue
  • Scroll to the top and hit 'Save'
  • You've done it, you techno wiz you!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Alice I have been by Melanie Benjamin

A few quetions to think about.....Book Club will be at TAHNEE'S house on TUESDAY the 7th of JUNE..... thanks Tahnee

Alice became famous through no fault of her own. Can you come up with a modern day version of Alice? How do their lives compare?

Alice refuses to read Alice in Wonderland until she is well into her eighties. Why do you think she avoids reading the story she inspired?

What part of the book speaks to you and your experiences in life?

Before reading Benjamin's novel, had you already read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? If so, does it make you want to read it again? Why or why not?

What do you think of an author writing a biographical novel using only notes and references and filling in the gaps with intelligent supposition?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Scores so far

As promised, we thought it would be interesting to see what the average scores were per person, so I have put my number crunching hat and the results are:

Colleen - 5.16
Tahnee - 5.33
Trilby - 5.89
Meg - 5.13
Liz - 7.17
Kay - 6
Debbie - 6.38
Kerry - 6.14

So surprisingly I have enjoyed the books less than Colleen!!!! And just for fun, below is the summary of all of Colleen's comments:

  • Didn't think it was particularly well written

  • Didn't seem real, felt contrived

  • Easy read but boring

  • Flowed well and had a great story line

  • good holiday read.....characters soft and uninteresting

  • Well you would think that the members of the book club, being very
    intellectual type of people would show some respect for the hostess with
    the mostess and not be rude to her. The said hostess has read the book
    and liked it very much. I think I am qualified to report. I find this author
    very true with his writing and his discriptive ability to bring to lif a charactor
    or place is superior to his peers. The book comes to life with his ability to tell
    a story. I love the discriptive pieces about the bush and his ordinary day
    to day happenings. I have read most of his works and enjoyed them all.

  • Could seperate the author from the story line

  • (read the first three chapters) believed that the writing was over desriptive and did not excite interest.

  • A very enjoyable read, soft book

  • bland and boring

  • laborious, didn't like writing style, liked the issues

  • Really enjoyable, liked the format

  • Felt planned, story line good, writing not, Miles Franklin committee flawed!

  • stolen from my shopping cart (if you weren't there trust me don't ask!)

  • Also blown away by the amount of money spent or should I say squandered. Unbelievable amount. The amount of hours all the workers did was amazing. They just seemed to work abound the clock. A slow read but feel it was a bit of an education for me. I feel it was a well written book but not particularly enjoyable one.

  • Good book..ending fissled out

  • Bloody awful

And my personal favourite from colleen:

Self indulgent crap - struggled to finish - Eat, Pray, Love

Happy reading gals

M xox

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do No Harm - Carol Topolski

Many of us found this a compelling and intriguing story in spite of our selves. All agreed that the writer may've been a little to leisurely in the execution and development of the novel in the initial stages only then to change gear and speed towards the finish tabloid style, to the novels detriment. Many struggled with the dark subject matter, the novels constant toing and froing of times, places and characters and period inaccuracies. Despite the lead characters horrific acts, we all felt that Virginia was a robust and very real character. An average rating of  4.

  • Trilby-Roux    4/10 Disjointed, second half like a trashy novel.
  • Irene              3/10 Unfocused, disappointing character development
  • Meg               5/10 Disjointed, unsatisfying 
  • Kerry             6/10 Kept my interest, didn't like the content
  • Kaye              6/10 Intriguing but creepy
  • Colleen           2/10 Bloody awful
  • Tahnee           5/10 Liked the in depth initial character development, went down hill in second half 
  • Elizabeth                  Didn't read it - tried but couldn't 
  • Debbie                     Didn't read it - gave it to Elizabeth  
The next book for discussion at June's meeting courtesy of |Elizabeth, venue TBA is 'Alice I Have Been' Melanie Benjamin.

The book for discussion at July's meeting courtesy of Colleen is 'Lord of the Flies' William Golding.

Kaye will select the book for the August meeting and will let us know at the next meeting what it is.

Welcome newcomer Irene, if we didn't scare her off, she may be back.

It was all agreed that people would like to know how/why each person selected their book for that month before we commence discussion.

Trilby - would you be able to assist Meg in changing her e-mail address for the blog.
Trilby - would you be able to provide a brief tutorial on linking the books we have done section on the blog.
Meg -   would you be able to provide Irene and I with an e-introduction.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Aprils book club - The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

Well better late than never, again i have lost the notes i took.... can i blame it on the pregnancy i reckon i should lol.
The night got off to a slow start with just myself, Elizabeth and Kaye we actually had thoughts about holding off any discussion on the book until this month. However eventually Leslie joined us after spending half an hour arguing with her tom tom about where i live thankfully she listened to it in the end.
I was going to cheat aBulleted Listnd use the recommended questions (on the internet) but they were all so tiresome like what was Jacobs relationship which each of his wives ect... ect... So i went with my own, something along the lines of do we as women in todays world have an equivalant "Red Tent" with general concensus we decided that things like mothers group and indeed this book club was a little like the red tent.
Other random discussion included:
Housework and who keeps a tidy house
The new Tim Tam flavour can't remember what it was but it was yummy - Thanks Kaye
Cups and Periods - guess you had to be there.

Hmm the ratings well i lost them again but we we all agreed it was an enjoyable read.
Look forward to seeing you all at Tahnee's next week.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Date change for April book club

Hi guys, Sorry for the late notice however i need to change the book club night to Wednesday night if that is possible instead of of our usual Tuesday night. The new date: Wednesday 6th April at 7.30pm Deb's house: 16 Railway Road Seville ( a couple of doors down from Seville Primary ) Cheers Deb

Monday, March 21, 2011

March book review

We all agreed that this was a well told story but not a great book. The story rambled through many undeveloped charactors.Trudi Montag is a dwarf, her charactor is portrayed as a protagonist and thro her storytelling we experience her life as a disabled person surviving ina small town in hitler's regime. The aspect of difference led the group thro varied and lengthy discussions about how we all think, act and talk in regards to issues directly or externally affecting our lives ... i guess we all agreed to disagree however we all have a healthy respect for each others views..
col..........Good book..ending fissled out..................................8.
Liz ..........Spirited discussion................................
Deb..........Loves historina books..ending disappointing.........7
Trilby.......yet to finish...enjoying so far...use of dwarf as protagonist interesting..secrets unfold effectively
Kaye.........Couldn't get into story.............
Kerry........Good story not a great book
April book is.......... The Red Tent..Anita Diamant at Deb's..16 railway rd seville
May Book ...............Do No Harm...Carol Tahnee's

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Sorry its late ........
The room was divided regarding their like or dislike of the book. Some thoroughly enjoyed her travels both mentally and physically. Some found her to be selfish, boring and dull. Though after some discussion Tahnee did feel she needed to re-read the book.
The Scores:
Tahnee: 3 Priviledged and frustrating... after discussion a little more lenient.
Colleen: 5 Self indulgent crap - struggled to finish.
Debbie: 6.5 Unexpected delight - loved Italy.
Liz: 7 Enjoyed her thought processes and her different point of view.
Kerry: 5 Tiresome however did challenge Kerry to understand her courage to
move forward with her life.
Kay: 5 Boring, frustrating and tedious ramblings of a stupid woman.
Leslie: 7.5 Related somehow to her and the book. Dunno ... searching for ??
Trilby: 5

We discussed our favourite childhood book.
Leslie chose Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Kerry - Enid Blyton books = The Faraway Tree, Secret 7 etc.
Kay - The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, 7 Little Australians, Ann of Green Gables.
Liz - Charlottes Web, Flowers in the Attic.
Tahnee - The BRidge to Terrabitha.
Debbie - Trixibelldon and The Endless Steepe.
We all agreed that Colleens favourite childhood book must be I Can Jump Puddles!!

Next meeting is March 1st at Kerry's 'new' house.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Childhood Reading

Hi All,

As a little extra....have a think about a book from childhood that you really enjoyed...and why. Let us all know on Tuesday night, see you then. Tahnee

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

February Meeting

Hi Ladies,

February Meeting is coming up - 1st Feb!
I will be unlikely to be there, as I'm having my wisdom teeth out that morning - urgh!

Leslie - could you post some questions for the book before the date? Wold be fab.

See you in March then!
